Monday, November 10, 2014

Blown to Bits Chapter 1- Response to Tim's Questions

1. A Koan is a question or statement meant to make you really think about the topic at hand.

3. Technology is both good and bad in certain aspects. It's bad for the fact that it can be used to commit crimes: downloading music illegally, pirating expensive software, phishing and scamming are a few crimes that can be committed online. On the other hand, technology is also very good, helping people communicate from halfway across the globe in a second, keeping store inventory, and generally being a useful tool in our everyday lives.

4. Moore's Law will likely continue in its current pattern until we start hitting size limits. At certain, tiny sizes, even if wires are totally sealed, electricity can bleed over into other wires. At that point, we'll have to wait for quantum computing to develop before Moore's Law resumes.

All of these answers are in response to Tim's questions.

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