Friday, October 17, 2014

Blown to Bits questions

1. Describe what a “koan” is.

2. Draw a graph roughly depicting what Moore’s Law looks like.

3. Debate and weigh the good and bad aspects of technology, and whether you would describe technology overall as good, bad, or somewhere in-between.

4. Predict how Moore’s Law may continue in the future. Will it continue on its current path, or will it eventually level out?

Blown to Bits quote response

So today our Computer Science teacher, Mr. Palmer, gave us this statement:

"Computing will transform society."

I personally agree with this statement, mainly because... it already has.
 Technology has already shaped a lot about how we live our day-to-day lives, and to expect technology to NOT continue changing it would be ignorant. In page 7 of the 'Blown to Bits' packet, it says "Vast as world-wide data storage is today, five years from now it will be ten times as large." Why would we make such massive data storage and more powerful computers if we weren't going to use them?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


A pac-man clone by Che' Young, Tim Coon Jr. and Connor Noble

To start this project, we brainstormed a few random games and genres, and then decided to do 
Pac-man as a Scratch game. We came up with new ideas as we worked (dogs for ghosts, fish for fruit) and split up the creative responsibilities between the three of us.

Our team worked pretty well together since we were already doing what we enjoyed, with Tim doing the art, music and sound, and with myself doing the programming.

Pretty much everything went well, except for trying to incorporate Connor's work, since his computer was disconnected from the internet.

The most difficult part was getting all of our work combined, such as getting Tim's sound and music to work properly.

To improve our game, I think we could spend more time making a lives system and a game over screen, along with a high score submission.